
Fighting against sexism in french speaking countries

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Some time ago when I was listening to music I discovered an album (which is actually pretty new because it was released in October 2018) of some French speaking girl which I really liked since I was hearing her songs for a first time. Her lyrics aren’t so obvious because they are full of symbols, metaphors and she is referring to some events in the pas which I had to discover to understand her songs properly (well, clearly).

One of her songs which is titled “Balance ton quoi” refers to a huge event in the internet which in French speaking country is named #BalanceTonPorc and in English speaking countries #MeeToo. This is a feminist move which fight for equality between male and female. I had no idea that this event is so enormous and that plenty of women and some men took a part in this by posting their photos with hashtag #MeeToo. Than I’ve red a lot about inequality in France, and Belgium on particular, because she is a Belgian singer and I wanted to know what exactly they are fighting for.

First of all they are fighting for equality in work. I was disappointed when I red that but in Belgium some people think that women are naturally less attracted to the profession of engineering and  “there are studies that prove it" What is more, they are treated badly at work and usually can not achieve higher positions by their sex.

This problem deeply affects not only Belgians but also citizens of other French-speaking countries. Another Swiss singer Chilla in her song titled ‘#Balancetonporc also shows her attitude to sexists around the world.

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